Saturday, 7 May 2011

some adapted wisdoms

tells you about a god who will punish you forever if you break your oppressors' arbitrary rules here on earth.

the pursuit of happiness:
is a restless, unending quest for an imaginary state, sold to you to keep you believing that there might be more to life than this.

is buying things you don't need with money you don't have (borrowed against the hallucinatory 'value' of some bricks and mortar and your ability to keep working) to impress people you don't like (including yourself).

your culture:
is a vast machine designed to mass produce a coarse lexico-grammatical state which ensures that you never build the conceptual models required to understand that everything you ever do is absurd.

is an insanity-normalisation factory that takes a raw material (european folk tales), coats it in shit (that's the added value) and then stuffs it into your children's heads before they have had the chance to develop unhelpful critical functionalities.

is a euphemism for normalising and maintaining the notion that you are a unit of production and consumption.

is a recently invented confection designed to sweeten the taste of being asked to go to war or work in a munitions factory, and is expected to decline in relevance as your loyalty is shifted towards corporations and consumer brands.

ensures that your local security forces will become rapidly aware of any signs that you are becoming insane (non-compliant).

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