the this is my england tags explained:
  • art - things widely accepted to be works of visual art
  • comment - veering towards offering comment and opinion on things
  • football - reference to the game of association football
  • fragment - very short pieces of writing, including pieces that might be described as flash fiction
  • friend - links and references to real and virtual friends of this is my england out of england
  • home counties - photography from and/or references to the counties around London
  • link - directing visitors to places on the Internet that meet with the this is my england out of england seal of approval
  • london - photography from and/or references to London
  • memory - any written pieces referring to real memories from the past of this is my england out of england
  • music - links or references to music, included quoted lyrics
  • not england - photography from and/or references to places other than England
  • poem - poems written by this is my england out of england
  • quote - where a someone else's words form the core of the piece or the whole of the piece
  • railway - photography from and/or references to trains, tracks, stations etc. (includes the tube)
  • reading - about things read by this is my england out of england
  • remark - tends to be just an observation with no strong opinion being expressed
  • seaside - photography from and/or references to places by the sea
  • short story - short stories written by this is my england out of england
  • street marks - from crude graffiti to high-end street art in all forms
  • things - photographs of objects: still life, if you like
  • up north - photography from and/or references to the north of England
  • westphotography from and/or references to the west of England
  • WWBAGWFT - we ask passing German speakers to suggest abstract nouns for complex concepts