Saturday, 24 March 2012

a spoonful of bullshit

WARNING: the video embedded below is kinda NSFW... depending on your workplace...

it's also somewhat injurious to sanity, maybe... proof, as if it were needed, that life never stops throwing up reasons for us to wring our hands and wail "taste! what's become of good taste!"

in the aftermath of the Kony 2012 video and its 100 million online hits came the big backlash against the credentials, principles and thinking of its creators...

then came the news that the film's director (and co-founder of the seemingly very questionable charity group behind it) has been arrested in San Diego for masturbating in public...

strange times...

even in this context, though, this video is especially weird. here we have one Bree Olson (star of 200+ porno movies and former live-in "goddess" of the batshit Charlie Sheen) making her contribution to the discussion. in her voiceover, she argues that the dodgy credentials of the Kony 2012 video's promoters notwithstanding, we should remain energised by its message and determined to do something to help the distressed Ugandan people it depicts. along the way, she alternates between still pictures of Ugandan horrors with footage of herself writhing around half-naked.

shameless and deplorable attention-seeking, capitalising with incredible tastelessness on the plight of the brutalised children of East Africa, you might say. Ms. Olson's response? "Right now you're watching a video of me outdoors in California, interspersed with pictures of the effect Joseph Kony had on the people of Uganda. I put the two together because I know a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down."


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