not much action of late down at that white rectangle on the side of Camden Town's former district housing office. the creator of the cash QR code (and many other works besides, all now long gone) had predicted that the area's feral junkies et. al. would strip the coins from their solvent bed. but, no. all still remain. we are told that sometimes passersby have a little feel. but nothing worse than that.
the only new development is the appearance of a little sticker which refers to the coiny code and says "SCAN ME". as if instructions were needed... question is, was this dummies guide stuck up by young stu or by some other wag?
Na it was me...I have enjoyed watching people stop and notice....I noticed that the majority of interestees would 'stop, look and stroke' but would not see its full potential .... I have now realised since talking to my mates and friends that not everyone have barcode scanners on their phones....I thought that if my shite phone has scanning abilities then most of todays handsets must. So thats why I had to add "The Dummies Guide"