Thursday, 23 June 2011

excited by a bearded lady

Back in May, this is my england presented a meandering piece that covered:
  • how life was different before we were all 'always on', discussed by means of anecdotes about managing social lives and relationships prior to the age of ubiquitous mobile phone ownership
  • reasons for quitting Facebook
With reference to the second of these two points, I mentioned that a certain Emily had written very amusingly on the same theme.

Having browsed the rest of Emily's blog, I could see that she was someone who writes very well. The articles were generally very funny too. So I was disappointed when, only a few days later, she said that her blog was to be abandoned. She did, however, announce the launch of a new website, rejoicing in the name Bearded Eloise.

This site is now properly up and running. Its where Emily shares and develops her interest in "all things odd and kinky." She has already begun to keep it stocked with fresh new stuff in the areas of fiction, poetry, music, artwork, comics, reviews, interviews and personal pieces. Bearded Eloise admits to an interest in chaos magic, kink, the fetish scene, gender, sexuality and psychology. A hirsute lady* with an interesting mind, right?

Liking the sound of this, and encouraged by the first bits of content, I am pleased to announce that this is my england has been pursuing what looks to be a successful courtship of Bearded Eloise. The upshot of this is that fairly soon, you can expect to see some of my writing and photos being shared via Emily's site. I was very pleased indeed when Emily confirmed this.

I would encourage my little band of readers to have a look at the offer stuff on offer in the meantime.

That said, while I don't like to make assumptions, perhaps those of you who only look in here for thoughts on the past and future of Queens Park Rangers Football Club might not be  in the market for "odd and kinky" writing. Or maybe you are. Deep down. Don't worry. I won't tell anyone.
* PLEASE NOTE: Emily herself is not hirsute (bearded)

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