Monday, 19 December 2011

Who gets hurt?

For the first time ever, an article here at this is my england has moved somebody to write a whole piece of his own in response.

The article in question was a recent exploration of the sorry little tale of Emma West, a Croydon woman who recently gained instant notoriety following an angry outburst on a busy tram, directed variously at immigrants and non-white Londoners. With the incident captured on video and uploaded to YouTube, she was rapidly identified and arrested for a racially aggravated public order offence. When the attention of this is my england was last turned to the case, bail had been denied and it seemed that Ms. West was going to spent the Christmas holidays in jail. Happily for her, bail has now been granted.

Home for Christmas... but why?
It remains the position of this blog that it is quite right for a civilised society to legislate against the aggressive harassment of members of the public and quite right to mete out a level of punishment commensurate with deterring such behaviour. It will never been argued here, however, that such offences (unless accompanied by any act of real violence, suggesting that the offender poses a serious danger to the public) should be picked out for especially harsh treatment. Given that it seems most non-violent first-time offenders would not expect to be denied bail, it will not be asserted here that Ms. West deserved to be separated unnecessarily from her family simply on the basis of the content of her remarks. That seems excessive for the offence of which she is accused. Magistrates, however, justified the fact that she was set to be held in custody over the holiday period by citing the apparent danger posed to Ms. West by idiots sending her death threats via Twitter and Facebook.

So why has she been allowed to go home now? Anyone maintaining an optimistic view of the fairness, efficiency and clarity of our criminal justice system would presumably make the assumption that the alleged threat to Ms. West's safety was, in good faith, initially deemed serious but has now been confidently judged to have abated to a negligible level. Another optimist's interpretation might be that the danger still exists for Emma West but that arrangements have been made to guard against her coming to harm. 

Anyone much less confident about the smooth and just workings of our courts, however, might arrive at one of a number of quite different possible conclusions. One of these might be to suppose that the magistrates initially overreacted to the idle chatter of online trolls and have now come to their senses after a period of reflection. In this interpretation, the magistrates concerned look a little foolish at worst - this version of events possibly implies a degree of incompetence but nothing of a sinister nature would be entailed.

But interpretations implying something worse than incompetence have been offered. 

The person who wrote a whole article in response to the musings of this is my england on this case, for example, would seem to favour none of the above suggested explanations for the volte-face regarding Ms. West's suitability for bail. Closing out that article, CanSpeccy (Canadian Spectator) poses a rhetorical question when remarking on Emma West's release from jail: "The judiciary beginning to sense a swell of public anger?" This question captures the idea of magistrates yielding to public pressure when deciding to send Emma West home until her committal hearing on 3rd January. It is the view of this blog that it would be quite wrong for that to happen.

Who is speaking up for Emma West? Nobody...
Who, then, has been arguing that Ms. West should not have been held in custody? Readers of the this is my england piece will be aware that among those articulating such views have been some of the spokespeople of the far right – from the teenage self-described 'racialist' vlogger  Sean Allan to the editorial teams of the BNP Ideas and British Resistance websites. On the latter, Paul Golding of the 'patriotic political movement' Britain First has since written to applaud the decision to grant bail to Ms. West. On 2nd December, Golding's movement organised a poorly-attended demonstration outside the prison where she was being held ,and another was planned for 17th December

Golding appears to concede that it "may well be coincidental that" Emma West was released "on the verge of another Britain First demonstration" but nevertheless describes her return home as a "victory" for "all those who joined in the campaign to have [her] released from prison". 

It is the fervent hope of this my england that Ms. West's release is no such thing. Would we really welcome the idea that our courts should make their decisions about criminal cases in response to small-scale pressure groups and their campaigns? 

One interesting feature about this particular campaign is that it is built around a person from whom nothing has been heard by the public since the notorious YouTube clip went viral. 'Patriots' and 'nationalists' have variously commended Emma West's 'bravery', speculated about how she might have been provoked and presumed to know what she was thinking when ranting on that tram journey. 

These then, are the characters purporting to speak up for Ms. West. They are doing so, as far as anyone can tell, without her knowledge, much less her consent. Some of the thoughts and motives they attribute to her may be an accurate reflection of her mindset. But alternative guesses about what's on Ms. West's mind could be made. Perhaps she is not very committed to any of the things she said on the Croydon tram. In light of what has happened since, perhaps she regrets every word and would truthfully and willingly retract her remarks if given the chance. Or perhaps she will always remain somewhat attached to the views she articulated when shouting on the tram but now prioritises a swift and minimally damaging end to the legal proceedings in which she is now involved. In that scenario, she could be agreeing with advice from a lawyer urging her to appear contrite. In that scenario, her lawyer could be advising her that her case will be harmed rather than helped by campaigns mounted supposedly on her behalf by the political parties and fringe groups of the far right. These are guesses, of course – much as the assorted activists of the BNP, Britain First et. al.  can only offer guesses about what is going on in Emma West's head.

No one then, is really speaking up for Emma West. All we have is a collection of opportunists, seeing a chance to promote their causes in the plight of an unfortunate woman with a history of mental illness and a court case on her hands. 

Among those purporting to know what Emma West believes or understands is that man CanSpeccy. On some points, it seems at first that this is my england and the Canadian blogger and are not far apart. "Sure," he writes, "legal immigrants are not to blame if they accept an invitation to immigrate." He also concedes that immigration "may be largely driven by corporate interests that demand a cheap and mobile work force" and that "the economic prospects of lower class Britons like Ms. West are hurt by the mass immigration of energetic people willing to take whatever work is available, thereby making jobs for barely competent Brits scarce, and keeping wages low."

The two blogs part company, however, when CanSpeccy expresses the belief that "Ms. West, however muddled her expression, understands that the real issue is more fundamental than economics" and that "mass immigration is quite simply destroying the British race."

In pretending to be able to read the mind of a woman he has never met, CanSpeccy joins the ranks of those using this apparently vulnerable person to make a point that he can only guess she would support if asked. All that can really be said of CanSpeccy's appropriation of Ms. West as useful tool when making an argument is that in his case there is a smaller chance of doing harm to her prospects in court than might be the case with the assorted UK far right groups hijacking her plight for their own ends.  It is also striking that the Canadian writer, while purporting to speak up for working class people, betrays what might be his true feelings for them by using the altogether more judgemental term lower class. 

What exactly is being 'destroyed'?
Of course, the most significant difference of opinion between this blog and CanSpeccy's is not around a preference or otherwise for the patronising use of a stranger's unknown thoughts to make a point. That's just a difference of style and standards. No, the bigger difference is around this notion of the "British race" being "destroyed". 

In both the comments section of this blog and in his own article, CanSpeccy notes that "precisely what the term 'British race' means would need lengthy exposition." Perhaps we should be guided towards this lengthy exposition. Those of us who are supposedly under threat might like to know on what basis we have been identified as part of a group that is both discrete and endangered. 

By way of dealing with this "briefly", CanSpeccy argues that "the British have existed as a relatively isolated population since the glaciers retreated after the last ice age, ten thousand years ago." Relatively isolated, that is, apart from the arrivals of the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons, the Norse and the Normans. CanSpeccy, though, believes the "genetic evidence" that "indicates that the great majority of the British population that existed prior to the post 1950 mass immigration, i.e., the indigenous people of Britain, was descended from [the] first Celtic settlers." While it is true that some studies do support this view, others suggest that a far higher percentage of the modern English (perhaps even the majority of them) have Anglo-Saxon ancestors. Perhaps CanSpeccy is unaware of studies that do not support his position. Or perhaps he chooses to ignore them. A third possibility, of course, is that as well as writing his blog, CanSpeccy is a world-renowned scholar of genetics and, as such, is especially well-placed to discriminate between more and less robust studies of the English population’s DNA. Perhaps he will write in to outline his credentials. 

For this is my england, it is of little interest if more people on this island are descended from Celts alone than from a wider range of European ancestors. It's difficult to see how knowing either way would make much difference to anyone's daily life in the modern world. 

CanSpeccy, meanwhile, speaks in terms of the "the British... being subjected to non-violent replacement through mass immigration" and uses the term "genocide" to cover this phenomenon. 

Actually, the figures he cites are pretty convincing. It is indeed clear that if the current patterns of reproduction  continue (i.e. foreign-born mothers and non-white Britons having a higher fertility rate than white UK-born mothers) then over time the ethnic makeup of the country will change significantly. 

But so what? What would be so bad about a population with a higher proportion of brown or black skins? Whether or not the DNA of the Anglo-Saxons and the Normans is present in a majority or just a large minority of Brits with deep roots on this island, it is indisputably the case that the arrival of both groups brought about major changes in governance and language. Both sets of arrivals doubtless seemed alien and unwelcome to some at the time. But our English language and our collective culture are both formed from the blend of these influences. Very significant change to how we live and who we are is not without precedent.

So why does further significant change have to a bad thing? Could it not be to the advantage of a country wanting to grow its economy? Let's revisit a passage from this is my england's last Emma West article:
"Ambition, a propensity to work hard and the drive to improve one's material circumstances are values to which we are all meant to aspire in a capitalist economy. In the majority of cases, immigrants are simply people who embody these values and who, by accident of birth, have started their lives in countries where conditions conspire against the full realisation of the ambitions that any pro-capitalist thinker would encourage in us all."
So is our culture likely to be worsened or improved by adding the influence of people with the gumption to get off their arses and seek a better life through hard work, thrift and initiative? Perhaps the truth lies somewhere between the two. Perhaps Britain's culture will simply become different in some ways. Neither worse nor better. Just different. It's hard to see how CanSpeccy and his fellow travellers can be so sure, particularly when being so vague about the supposed ill-effects that they predict. 


  1. It is good to see an advocate of mass immigration to Britain honestly acknowledge that what is occurring is the progressive replacement of the British people with people from elsewhere, a process associated with radical changes in the national culture and sense of identity.

    This is genocide as defined by Raphael Lemkin, the Polish scholar and lawyer who coined the term.

    Re: 'The two blogs part company, however, when CanSpeccy expresses the belief that "Ms. West, however muddled her expression, understands that the real issue is more fundamental than economics" and that "mass immigration is quite simply destroying the British race."'

    While I'd agree that there can be some room for disagreement as to what exactly it is that Emma West is saying, here is an excerpt from the transcript of her remarks, which I think pretty clearly substantiates my point:

    EMMA WEST: What's this country come to? A load of Black people and a load of fucking Polish, a load of fucking East… Yeh. You're all fucking skipped from a… You ain't English.

    UNSEEN WHITE MAN: No, I'm not. No.

    EMMA WEST: No, you're not. You ain't English either. You ain't English. None of you fucking English. Get back to your own fucking… D'y'know what? Sort out your own countries. Don't come and do mine. Britain is nothing now. Britain is fuck all. My Britain is fuck all now. Britain is fuck all. My Britain is fuck all.

    But I will review your article with care and may, if acceptable to you, add further comments later on.

    Oh, but let me hasten to add here, I do agree that "it is quite right for a civilised society to legislate against the aggressive harassment of members of the public and quite right to mete out a level of punishment commensurate with deterring such behaviour."

    Thing is though, the law should be applied in an even handed way. The near coincidence of the case of Emma West and the case of Rhea Page, kicked in the head by four members of the immigrant community who received only to suspended sentences -- because as Muslims they were unused to being drunk -- leaves room to doubt that fairness exists.

  2. A few of points of order. First, I am not an ADVOCATE of mass immigration. I neither condemn it nor strongly support it. I daresay the UK can continue to be a decent country to live in with or without further immigration. Hence the very last paragraph of this piece. Second, there's really no need to keep quoting the same definition of genocide every time you write here or on your own blog. Once was enough. Noted and understood. Third, it's nice that you've taken the time to transcribe Ms. West's words. But the written record proves nothing. A few banal remarks that don't necessarily add up to a belief system. I really don't understand how you pick out any kind of considered position from "You ain't English. None of you fucking English. Get back to your own fucking… D'y'know what? Sort out your own countries. Don't come and do mine. Britain is nothing now. Britain is fuck all. My Britain is fuck all now. Britain is fuck all. My Britain is fuck all." It's gibberish. Certainly nothing there to support that idea that West consciously believes the 'British race' is being 'destroyed'. I think you're just seeing what you want to see.

  3. oh yes, I forgot to add - the Rhea Page case is appalling also and of course it's ridiculous how it played out. Clearly, the defence of being unused to drink is a specious one. So, yes, the unfortunate timing of these two cases being in the public eye around the same time does indeed leave room to doubt that fairness exists. But the law is never applied in an even-handed way. As in any country in which judges, magistrates and juries have some freedom to interpret the law, there will be verdicts and sentences of varying degrees of correctness and fairness. Anyway, wait and see what happens with Ms. West. It's by no means certain that she'll be convicted - and if she is, it's premature to assume that her punishment will be unusually harsh.

  4. If you think Ms. West was gibbering, then how can you suppose that her behavior was deserving of punishment?

    Wouldn't it have been more reasonable to get her to a psychiatrist?

    But you do not actually believe that she was gibbering. You state that "it is quite right for a civilised society to legislate against the aggressive harassment of members of the public and quite right to mete out a level of punishment commensurate with deterring such behaviour."

    In other words, you are saying Emma West's utterances made her guilty of punishable harassment.

    But if Emma West was engaged in punishable harassment, then she was not gibbering, which is to say she must have been intentionally saying something with meaning. So what was the meaning of her utterances if not that the British people are being replaced by people from elsewhere, i.e., made victims of genocide.

    And why do you dislike my emphasis on the the fact, which you acknowledge, that what is happening to the British people is genocide?

    It is surely important to make clear, as only constant reiteration can, what the media and government will not admit, that a large part of the British people are being subject to deliberate annihilation by their own ruling elite.

    The unacknowledged policy of destroying the British nation, its culture and identity, is surely a crime more odious, more totalitarian, more grotesque than anything of which the dictators of the twentieth century were held responsible.

  5. You think someone has to have a nicely constructed and coherent argument to intimidate and harass people? I remember being on river boat once. A guy decided, apropos of nothing, to call me a "queer" and asked if I was "calling him a cunt". It didn't mean anything. They were just words he'd learned somewhere as the lexis of fighting and harassment. He was looking for a fight and he was quite persistent but, not least because I was in the company of my wife, I decided not to rise to the bait. By your logic, what he was doing was not punishable harassment because he wasn't saying anything meaningful.

    Ms. West was aggressively harassing people and, as such, is someone worthy of at least some scrutiny. The psychiatric treatment that you, possibly quite rightly, suggest would be more appropriate than prison may still turn out to be the route that this case takes. It doesn't seem beyond the realms of possibility that her lawyer will have her plead diminished responsibility on the ground of mental instability. In that scenario, a court would quite probably have her treated rather than given a custodial sentence. But I wonder how the likes of the BNP etc. would react then? I may be wrong, but I can well imagine them protesting that decision. Something along the lines of "anyone who questions the liberal elite's genocide is deemed insane". All through this, I've allowed for the POSSIBILITY, that Emma West is a fellow traveller of you and others who nurse theories of deliberate 'genocide'. Or perhaps she is just someone parroting a few lines she doesn't really understand. I do remember someone on Twitter noticing that she appears to have a number of black and Asian friends on Facebook, so if she is an avowed and principled opponent of non-white immigrants and their descendants she is, at least, a little inconsistent in her hostility. Throughout, I've been keen to stress that I DON'T KNOW what she's thinking and keen, therefore, to suggest multiple interpretations for what she's said and done. Unlike you, I don't claim a supernatural ability to read minds.

    Finally, perhaps you can help me with something. If, as you say, a large part of the British people are being "annihilated" by a "ruling elite", what precisely does that elite have to gain? Why does it matter to them if the population is white, black, brown or some mixture of these and other colours? I think we're somewhat in agreement that global capital sees people as units of production and consumption, to be used, exploited, controlled etc. as necessary in the pursuit of profit. But what evidence do you have that these aims are particularly well served by an apparently arbitrary desire to see a particular island have a particular demographic mix?

  6. "You think someone has to have a nicely constructed and coherent argument to intimidate and harass people?"

    Not at all. Equally, I don't think someone "has to have a nicely constructed and coherent argument" to express anger at the replacement of the British people by people from elsewhere.

    My own guess is that anger at the displacement of the British people where she lives was more in Emma West's mind at the time of her outburst than any desire to be offensive. But in any case, though her exact meaning may for ever remain unclear (and no, I do not claim any supernatural abilities to read minds), I doubt she was meaninglessly "gibbering".

    "I've allowed for the POSSIBILITY, that Emma West is a fellow traveller of you and others who nurse theories of deliberate 'genocide'."

    That's fairly offensive. Why do you say I "nurse theories of deliberate 'genocide'." You've already acknowledged that genocide is what is happening, so we are not talking about theories or about nursing anything, just stating facts.

    The implication seems to be that I am in sympathy with the BNP or Tommy Rotten, or whatever name he is currently using, and the EDL. But that is far from the truth. I think it quite possible that both the BNP and the EDL are agents of the state (not necessarily the British state), serving to discredit anyone who opposes mass immigration.

    As for your last question, you've answered it for yourself. You think it right to replace feckless Brits with brighter more energetic people from elsewhere. What other argument does the ruling elite need? Having a contempt for those by whom they are supposedly elected, obviously they do not need any other argument.

  7. I'm surprised that you're offended. After all, I have absolutely NOT "accepted that genocide is what is happening". I've simply noted that you use the word genocide in a particular way but certainly not stated that I'd use the word that way myself. Putting words into the mouth of your interlocutor is a tedious habit. Perhaps you'll be more convincing if instead of doing that you offer a GOOD answer to my question about what a ruling elite would have to gain from pursuing a deliberate policy of what you call genocide. All you did was misrepresent something I’d said. I said. I said nothing about it being desirable to REPLACE what YOU call “feckless Brits” with immigrants. That really is not the same thing as being open to the possibility that new arrivals might have something good to offer. I live in this county. I do not believe its population to be feckless. Those are your words and I’ll have no part of that.

    So I find your answer to be glib and unconvincing.

  8. "So is our culture likely to be worsened or improved by adding the influence of people with the gumption to get off their arses and seek a better life through hard work, thrift and initiative? "

    You ask a rhetorical question, the meaning of which is clear: you support mass immigration because of what you rather hatefully describe as British people without "the gumption to get of their arses." (the possibility that the least competent members of society may simply not be up to the competition from immigration does not seem to cross you mind. Or is it you contention that such people deserve to be trashed?)

    You say you "have absolutely NOT "accepted that genocide is what is happening" yet you acknowledge that:

    "It is indeed clear that if the current patterns of reproduction continue (i.e. foreign-born mothers and non-white Britons having a higher fertility rate than white UK-born mothers) then over time the ethnic makeup of the country will change significantly. "

    The only error in that statement is tense and quantity. When 25% of the children are born to foreign-born mothers, the ethnic makeup of the country has already been changed, and it has been changed in very great measure, especially in working-class urban neighbourhoods.

    So what is it about Raphael Lemkin's definition of genocide that does not apply to what is happening to the British?

  9. I do NOT describe any British people as not having the gumption to get off their arses, much less do so hatefully. I mention that immigrants are people who find the motivation to do so. That does NOT imply a lack of similar qualities in the existing population. You're seeing things in the text which are just not there. I feel like I've just pointed to one woman in a crowd and said she's good looking and then you've said that I've hatefully described all the other women as ugly. Crazy talk, especially because I was at pains to state very clearly that I do NOT believe the British people are feckless. This is a good country with a lot of decent, hard-working people. I'm just open to the possibility of it becoming even better through the addition of more decent, hard-working people. Now I wonder what I've said this time that you will wilfully misinterpret...? How many more words are you going to put in my mouth? It's getting tiresome.

  10. "I do NOT describe any British people as not having the gumption to get off their arses"

    No, that is true. It is how you describe the people who are replacing the British in many working-class urban areas. Which seems to suggest that those who are being displaced might be at least slightly deficient "in gumption to get of their arses."

    But if you insist that the British who are being replaced are as good as any immigrants, why would you not respect the right of the British not to be displaced by people from elsewhere?

    Anyway, it seems clear enough that you and your fellow travellers, to borrow your phrase, are totally at ease about the replacement of the British people by people from elsewhere, with the consequent transformation of the nation's culture and sense of identity, a process which you stubbornly refuse to acknowledge is genocide although you seem unable to put your finger on quite why it is not.

    Anyway, this discussion has cleared up any doubts there may have been at the outset as to where we differ. I'll leave it at that.

  11. Firstly let's make one thing clear. Some ethnic 'minorities' come here to work but one look at the government's last recorded statistics clearly show that this isn't always the case. Not by a long way. We should disavow ourselves from the idea that mass immigration is being relentlessly driven by the ruling elites (through Their 'left' and 'right' wing proxies) for solely economic reasons. For sure there is a by product of a reduction in wages and working conditions for the general population and a consequent widening of the gap between rich and poor but these things are of a secondary nature.

    Mass immigration is a very bad idea for a number of reasons not the least of which is that it adds to the already existing social problems and the ever increasing population density of England. It is now the most overcrowded country in Europe with double the population density level of Germany and quadruple that of France. England is also among the highest in the world for major countries, ranking third behind Bangladesh and South Korea. A situation that will only get worse if immigration continues.

    As I said in my comment on your previous article about the unfortunate Emma West, the issues of mass immigration and state enforced multiculturalism have to be seen as essential components in the agenda to create a world government. Attempts to dismiss this as a mere 'conspiracy theory' will not prove successful. There is ample evidence to prove the truth of these claims. As far back as 1950 the banker, adviser to Franklin D. Roosevelt and freemason, James Paul Warburg said, in a statement before the US Senate on 17 February 1950:

    “We shall have World Government, whether we like it or not. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”

    Of course that 'consent' has been, so far, manufactured by deceit and manipulation as can be seen by the ongoing machinations of the European Union. Itself one of the building blocks of the emerging 'New World Order'.

    Herman Van Rompuy, the first (unelected) President of the European Council is quoted as saying:

    “2009 is also the first year of global governance, with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis. The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet.”

    The same Herman Von Rompuy, in November 2010, declared that:

    "The time of the homogeneous nation-state is over".

    From this you can clearly see the arrogance of this genocidal policy being pursued by the European 'elite'.

  12. Of course the seat of this 'global governance' will be the UN. If you want an insight into the true nature of that particular organisation can I suggest reading this and this.

    Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev is intimately linked with the UN, the New Age and the New World Order agenda. In a statement he made in 1987 we get an idea of the political dimension of this world government:

    "We are moving toward a New World Order, the world of communism. We shall never turn off that road."

    The vehicle he uses to promote his vision of a communist New World Order is his Gorbachev Foundation. Its founder and President Jim Garrison is quoted by Dennis Laurence Cuddy in 'Ruling Elite Working Towards World Govt.,' p.4. as saying:

    "We are going to end up with world government. It's inevitable... There's going to be conflict, coercion and consensus. That's all part of what will be required as we give birth to the global civilisation."

    The term New World Order is a sort of code word used by the ruling elites and Their agents for this world government. A term used by Blair, Brown, Cameron, George Bush, Clinton, Kissinger and both recent Popes, amongst others. You can see here what horrors They are prepared to do for Their New World Order.

    In order to facilitate the transition to this 'world government' national identity and nation states themselves must be undermined. At least they must in those countries whose populations are deemed likely to resist these enforced 'changes' (ever wondered why the word 'change' is so much in favour with politicians of all political stripes?). The British historian and 'elite' insider Arnold Toynbee wrote the following in 'The Trend of International Affairs Since the War', November 1931:

    "We are at present working discreetly with all our might to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local nation states of the world. All the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands."

    This is the role that mass immigration is meant to play.The American General Wesley Clark gave the game away in an interview with CNN on April 24th when he made the following revealing statement:

    “There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That’s a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states.”

  13. The Russian Israeli writer Israel Shamir summed up the intended consequences of this when he wrote:

    "This is exactly what the predators want: a broken, atomised, insecure population in a state of perpetual cold civil war with itself. They do not gather and discuss. They do not organise and plan. They huddle unhappily in front of the television. And who are the Masters of Discourse who determine the content of the television programming? They are the servants of the predators, of course."

    I hinted at this in my previously mentioned comment on your last Emma West post. The extent to which we are all subjected to 'persuasion' or 'perception management' or to put it more succinctly brainwashing, cannot be underestimated. To become aware of it is to fully comprehend its insidious nature. Just for emphasis I'll add another quote from the essay, 'Brainwashing: How the British Use the Media for Mass Psychological Warfare:' that I linked to in that comment.

    "[The Club of Rome] can also call on the capabilities of a mass psychological warfare machine, also run by the British and their assets, which extends into key phases of media production, and includes writers and psychiatrists who help shape the content, and the pollsters who fine-tune and analyse the impact on targeted populations. Beyond this interacting network, there are millions of participants involved in the production, distribution, and transmission of media messages, whose thinking, in turn, has been shaped by the content of the media product, and who are, effectively, self-brainwashed by the culture within which they live."

  14. In short, this is indeed the genocide of the English and British peoples. we are a people every bit as worthy of protection and reverence as the Native American Indians, Australian aborigines, Chinese, Nigerians or anyone else you care to mention. As researcher and writer Tony Shell says:

    "... the English are a native people - an indigenous (aboriginal) people of the British Isles."

    Often the knee jerk, brainwashed, response to this is that this cannot be the case because we are a nation of mongrels or something suitably derogatory. This is said to be because of the influx of some Angles, Saxons, Danes, Romans and Normans in our past history. Leaving apart the fact that no other nation appears to be subject to such stringent standards let's refer to the work of Bryan Sykes who is a Professor of Human Genetics at the University of Oxford and a Fellow of Wolfson College. His research into this area led him to the conclusion that:

    "In spite of all these later contributions, the genetic makeup of Britain and Ireland is overwhelmingly what it has been since the Neolithic period and to a very considerable extent since the Mesolithic period".

    He summed this up in a quote from his book 'The Blood of the Isles', published in 2006:

    "We are an ancient people, and though the Isles have been the target of invasion and opposed settlement from abroad ever since Julius Caesar first stepped on to the shingle shores of Kent, these have barely scratched the topsoil of our deep-rooted ancestry. However we may feel about ourselves and about each other, we are genetically rooted in a Celtic past. The Irish, the Welsh and the Scots know this, but the English sometimes think otherwise. But, just a little way beneath the surface, the strands of ancestry weave us all together as the children of a common past".

    The English, Scots, Welsh and other European peoples are very bit as much worthy of protection as any other ethnic group around the world and it's a curious form of reverse racism that pretends otherwise.

  15. Birmingham City Council recently 'celebrated the fact that for the first time 'white' British children in Birmingham schools were a minority (49%). This only tells half the story though. The percentage make up of under 7's is 39% 'white' British, 40% Asian with the rest various other ethnic 'minorities'. These figures are merely a snapshot of a trend that will see the English children of a future Birmingham not even being the largest ethnic grouping. Let's imagine this was Kingston Jamaica. If, for example, 'black' Jamaicans found themselves in a similar position with, let's say, Pakistani muslims becoming the largest grouping with an additional significant number of ethnic Chinese, Somalian Africans and others, do you think that Jamaica would change in any significant way? Would you lament the inevitable passing of a Jamaican culture smothered by mass immigration? Do you think the Jamaicans had a moral right to resist this? Why would it be either necessary or desirable?

    There is absolutely nothing particularly moral about state directed and enforced mass immigration and multiculturalism. It is for the ultimate benefit of neither the native Britain or the ethnic minority. What it is truly about, in my opinion, is hinted at by Bertrand Russell, in his book 'The Impact of Science on Society' (1953) p49-50:

    "Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organised insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton."

    It is essential that these issues are seen in their proper context. If, at that point, you CHOOSE to live in a multi-ethnic society (without any specific preference for the ethnic make up of that society) where you are yourself a minority then that is your choice. What you cannot do is enforce that choice on others who do not want it (the true Fascism in this day and age). Nor can you blindly follow your undoubted programming by decrying anyone who wishes to avoid this fate and maintain their centuries old culture, way of life and collective ethnic identity by the lazy and incorrect (largely) slurs of 'racist', 'fascist' or even 'Nazi'.

    As I said at the end of my other comment, we have a common enemy, if only we all knew it. The sooner we all wake up to that fact the better.

  16. I'm glad you've decided to leave it at that because it's clear we'll not come together on this. As predicted, your final post involved:

    a) drawing an inference I explicitly that I clearly stated was not meant to be implied; in other words, you're telling me I'm lying about my own thoughts

    b) telling me I'm "at ease" with the "replacement" of the British people, when I've pointed out that I don't accept the idea of "replacement" as a fact - so, as predicted, putting words into my mouth

    Yes, I'm glad to have come to the end of a discussion with someone whose debating style seems to be built around ignoring me when I clarify what I'm saying, what I do or don't believe and so on. It's pointless.

  17. Crikey, Harry. If nothing else you've got plenty of energy - and time on your hands, too. Unless it's mostly a copy and paste job ;) Work and family stuff permitting, I might get around to replying to some of your points. But my guess is that you're not a man for turning anyway. Your whole blog seems to be built around this stuff, whereas mine is just a personal space for bit of poesy, short stories, football stuff and photography - some of my wider interests. I certainly don't intend to make posts like this one the norm. The day job is more than a full-time affair and I'm a family man so there's no time for making online debates about race etc. a major hobby. But I can dip in once in a while, I daresay.

  18. Yes, there was some copy and paste but from all my own stuff. If I've energy (and commitment) it's because this subject deserves it. As for 'not for turning' I was your typical lefty Guardian reading liberal who thought the BBC was fair and balanced. I was 'anti-racist' (whatever that truly means) then and I certainly haven't changed into someone who 'hates' ethnic minorities. I could sense something wasn't quite right and decided to investigate beyond the mainstream. Believe me, what I wrote was merely the tip of the iceberg and I left out the really scary stuff.

    If whole swathes of England are becoming more and more devoid of English people, with this trend being encouraged by the PTB, what else would you call it but replacement?

    My guess is it is you who won't be for turning. The 'persuasion' is just too strong.

  19. Harry, many important points well stated.

    There's an outstanding post on the Emma West case by Sean Gabb, here.
