Wednesday, 7 December 2011

the morning paper

Amazing. Tariq Tahir, a hack with the commuters' give-away rag Metro, has found an Indonesian ant with a classical education. The well read invertebrate knows of the eternal labour of Sisyphus. True, the surprisingly well educated insect does not have the wit to draw a useful transferable lesson from the plight of the Thessalonian king, but it would be churlish not to be impressed by the tiny creature being somewhat conversant with Greek mythology.

This story, naturally, gets a lot more space than boring shit like Afghans getting blown up or the Syrian security forces doing their worst. Heart-warming, isn't? A little ant climbing over a marble. Bless! Awwwww.

1 comment:

  1. LOL. What a great technique. Mention Sinatra and Sisyphus to give a completely vapid story... something.

