Sunday, 4 September 2011

ripping yarns

Regular readers will know all about the rectangular patch of whitewash on the side of Camden's (recently closed down) housing office on the corner of Eversholt Street and Crowndale Road. As discussed here ad nauseum, this pale oblong is the stage on which a certain stickers-and-stencils merchant (by the name of stu bags) plays out his observations on life.

Passing stu's space today, this is my england noted that further amendments and damage have been made to and suffered by his work.
  • someone has added a mobile phone number - if you're interested to see whose number, I guess you could just call it to find out
  • giving vent to some more destructive impulse, an unknown hand has torn away at stu's bench photo printed onto a page of the Necronomicon and adorned with a reference to our very own this is my england
Also destroyed by an unknown hand is the evidence of a little interplay between stu and this is my england. When the former recently headed off for a break on foreign shores, he challenged the latter to unscramble an anagram. The letters concerned, little foam stick-on ones, were arranged over stu's long-standing THERE IS NOTHING TO SEE HERE slogan: H, R, S, T, I, G, S, E, E. Exactly as stu predicted at the time, most of these letter have been picked off. I'd say the 'S' will be gone before too long. It's looking precarious.

Never a dab hand and anagrams, I offered the quick answer 'three gits' - obviously wrong because it uses the 'T' twice.

It turns out that the solution is 'sightseer', reference to stu heading off on his holidays. I should have guessed it from his clue ('think of the opposite', i.e. the opposite of THERE IS NOTHING TO SEE HERE), so perhaps that's an #epicfail on the part of this is my england.

If anyone is wondering about the green squiggle the now follow's stu's riot/looting-related slogan WE HAVE A PROBLEM,  the man himself explains:

"I did make a political statement by FULLSTOPPING the WE HAVE A PROBLEM with the Conservative logo....Im not well versed in Politics but Iv lived long enough in the forest to know when Im being fucked by a fox...."

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