Friday 17 August 2012

spare 3/4 of an hour, mate?

... no?? then don't watch the latest from Back Ya Mouf. those globally expanding, videomagazining, plymouthoriginating chroniclers of the grubby life of alleyways, street corners & railway runners - well, the 7th vol. of their work is FORTY-TWO MINUTES long (the usual is 15). it's the usual sort of stuff, but with a bigger canvas. they Do Not Condone Violent Behaviour or Any Acts Of A Criminal Nature. who does? right? as hinted in the trailer, there's a dash of FCC action and some backchat from THE ARTIST TAXI DRIVER. musicaleclecticismmmmmm. Float Ma Boat and I'll Back Ya Mouf.

pARt two
pT 3.

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