Friday, 6 January 2012

with friends like these...

No article at this blog has ever generated as many comments as the latest in a short series of reflections on the case of Emma West, the Croydon woman now set to stand trial for criminal offences she is alleged to have committed during an aggressive outburst caught on camera, shared on YouTube in November and then subsequently seen by over eleven million people worldwide. The altercation occurred on a south London tram. The nature of the remarks Ms. West made as part of what quickly became known at the My Tram Experience incident have led to her being charged with a racially aggravated public order offence. According to a BBC report, it now seems that a further charge to be levelled at Ms. West is one of "intent to cause fear or provocation of violence".

It was noted here in mid-December that the plight of Ms. West had been adopted as a cause célèbre by a varied collection of avowed racists, 'racialists', 'nationalists' and 'patriots' all seeking to position the south London woman as a spokesperson for a coherent ideology built around opposition to immigration and ethnic diversity. Some scepticism about the validity of representing her in this way was expressed, given that nothing in the public domain seems to suggest that any of the people seeking to claim Ms. West as an ideological fellow traveller have actually ever spoken with her. This might be only moderately problematic were she not facing criminal charges. As it stands, however, some of those purporting to be concerned about the welfare of Emma West and her family might pause to consider whether her case will be helped or harmed by associating her, apparently without her consent, with what many might see as highly unpalatable views and causes. Of course, if their concern is not genuine and the case of Ms. West is simply being used in some ongoing ideological struggle, then some of her putative supporters might actually stand to gain more from a successful conviction than an acquittal. Consider, for example, the possible attitude of anyone keen to allege that Ms. West is the victim of a political elite that seeks to intimidate into silence anyone who opposes a notional 'genocide by assimilation' supposedly deliberately planned as part of a drive to destroy current national identities and white European homogeneity. Anyone passionately committed to such a position might conceivably welcome Ms. West's conviction as proof of their argument.

Although it will continue to be the position of this blog that, in this fundamentally decent and civilised country, public outbursts like Ms. West's are mercifully rare, the only thing that makes her case at all remarkable is that online social media raised its profile with such speed. That aside, this is otherwise just a case of a rowdy person behaving unpleasantly and intimidating bystanders to the degree that the police and courts have become involved. So surely it is pure conjecture to imagine a queue of people keen to portray the incident and its consequences as part of some sinister 'white genocide' plot.

Such people do exist, though, and the numerous comments made here all came from people who adopt broadly that position. 

Take Julian Curtis Lee, for example. Lee, the US-based creator of a "white identity web portal for all white European people", has created a very odd set of tributes to Ms. West. On his website, Lee has also created a collage of screen captures from the notorious YouTube clip and added the captions "mother of England" and "mother of Britain" to her name. Sure, she's a mother. Yes, she's from England/Britain. But Lee seems to be positioning Ms. West as some kind of figurehead of British motherhood. One wonders how many British mothers would be inspired by a figurehead whose parenting skills include swearing and shouting aggressively in the company of her young child. Lee has also created a rather strange video of his own, in which he mixed My Tram Incident footage with shots of himself looking at a statue, shots of people boarding a tram in his home town of Portland, Oregon and photographs of children.

Lee's website gives ample evidence of his various beliefs. It is also instructive to notice the URLs he adds to some of the videos he makes. In addition the well-known British National Party and English Defence League, Lee promotes an organisation called the British People's Party, which describes one Colin Jordan  as its "spiritual leader". Jordan, a leading figure in British post-war neo-Nazism until his death in 2009, was one of the authors of the 1962 Cotswold Declaration, an agreement between far right movements from a number of countries. One of the stated principals of the declaration is that "Adolf Hitler was the gift of an inscrutable Providence to a world on the brink of the Zionist-Bolshevik catastrophe, and that only the blazing spirit of this heroic man can give... the strength and inspiration to rise, like the early Christians, from the depths of persecution and hatred, to bring the world a new birth of radiant idealism, realistic peace, international order, and social justice for all men."

Julian Lee, apparently an admirer of Hitler, would appear to part company with some of the others leaving comments on this blog's several Emma West articles when it comes to some of his other sources of inspiration. That he promotes the websites of the BNP and the EDL would not meet with the approval of CanSpeccy (Canadian Spectator), for example. One of CanSpeccy's numerous comments here includes the the assertion that the BNP and EDL are quite possibly "agents of the state (not necessarily the British state), serving to discredit anyone who opposes mass immigration". CanSpeccy, then, must presumably be quite suspicious about the BNP's vocal 'support' of Ms. West and quite pleased about the fact that she and her family apparently asked the fringe political party led by Nick Griffin not to hold a demonstration outside the court where she recently had to appear. While the BNP has agreed, with some reluctance it seems, "to take into account the wishes of Emma and her family", the party believes that the request not to stage a demo is  "wrong both for Emma and for the wider Cause".  No need to worry then, folks. Should you become caught up in a legal case that the BNP decides to exploit for its own ends, you can rest assured that any requests for them to back off will be respected, even if your family's wishes are then described as "wrong" when the party conflates your difficulties with their "Cause". Comforting, huh?

So it seems that Emma West's family have sensed that her own cause may not be best served by appearing to be aligned with nice folks like the BNP who at least conceal their admiration of Hitler, much less with fellows like Julian Lee whose veneration of old Adolf is open and unabashed. Let's see if the family's further wishes  in this area are respected or dismissed by the likes of Julian Lee, CanSpeccy and others.


  1. Ah, you liked the videos did you. A short and partial response for now.
    "...all seeking to position the south London woman as a spokesperson for a coherent ideology..."

    No need to seek her as a spokesperson. She made herself one. No need to "position" her, she positioned herself. Coherent or incoherent, honesty and emotional expression are valuable in the present situation. But I think her own views were coherent enough and all understood them.
    "seeking to claim Ms. West as an ideological fellow traveller..."
    It was plain she is against non-native immigration into England. Anybody who is also against it can sensibly claim her as a "fellow travel" without a stretch.
    "nothing in the public domain seems to suggest that any of the people seeking to claim Ms. West as an ideological fellow traveller have actually ever spoken with her."
    We heard her speak, and she spoke her views plainly. A great many people share them. Did you think she was speaking in code and riddles about something else?
    "purporting to be concerned about the welfare of Emma West...
    If I were in her shoes there would be nothing better for my well-being than hearing others arise and assert agreement with her, championing and adducing the validity of what she said. It would not be unreasonable to suppose that it was seeing the supportive videos and articles that made her go for the brink by asking for the Crown Court.

    Certain commentators say she is not in her right mind, as if her views were not genuine. This is where Emma West actually gets insulted: The notion that she really doesn't think what she said and can't have really hold genuine opinions that contradict the zeitgeist. You "purport" to care about her here, but you actually insult her. How can those who affirm her, saying "I agree with her expressed views," often attracting the ire of the herd (as I've done her from you) be couched (and you are splendid when it comes to couching things, as we shall see later) as a cynical 'using' of Emma West? On the contrary, it's running to her side and championing her.

    You purport to be interested in the welfare of Emma West, yet later you insult her as a mother etc.

  2. "Julian Lee, apparently an admirer of Hitler,"

    I have never stated I am an "admirer" of Hitler. He destroyed Germany and was also a homosexual. I don't admire him. I created this site, by the way:

    There are quite a few other tricky moves and oddities in your article I must say. I find your writing disingenuous in a great many instances.

  3. Hello, Julian. Nowhere is it stated that I have any particular interest Ms. West's welfare. She will either be acquitted or convicted and I won't personally be affected either way. I'm not interested in empathy here. I'm just a bit intrigued by the way she's been interpreted/exploited by those who do claim, on one hand, to care about her but who, on the other hand, don't seem to appreciate that having her linked by association with various causes may not actually help her get acquitted and sent home. Another point of order - it's hardly "insulting" her parenting skills to point out the mainstream opinion that shouting and swearing in front of a toddler is bad practice. I can clearly recall being with my own little lad (aged 5 at the time) when someone decided to try to goad me into an altercation. However angry I felt, I knew my bigger responsibility was to set a good example of adult behaviour to the kid.

    Finally, you don't state you're an admirer of Hitler, true. But by linking your site to sites run by people who clearly do admire him, you run the risk of the same being inferred about yourself, don't you think?

  4. I was wondering where you got the "admirer of Hitler" bit from. Then I figured it out, it was from the following statement on my YouTube channel. The reader can find out if it says I "admire Hitler":

    "My views on Hitler and the Nazis:

    "I admire the Germany and the Germans of the Nazi period and also agree with much of what Hitler taught and what the Germans stood for. Whites who care, with good racial I.D., who care, are inspired by Germany then. They see what a White nation can be like when united; the creativity and powers, the racial love & unity. But there was a divine REASON they lost. Let's learn from it. Germany was destroyed because Hitler was a homosexual and the Nazi party was a covert homosexual brotherhood. The German people were also morally decadent leading up to the Nazi period. Church attendance was nil. The German people were ONE THING, Hitler & crew was another. Decadence, in the Germans and worse in the Nazis, is what brought cosmic retribution to the Germans. We must SEPARATE Germans from Hitler/Nazis. And we have to separate pro-White values from Nazism. Whites existed long before Hitler. When Whites claim Hitler & Nazis: Jews get Comfort and Joy.

    "That said: Many lies are told about the Germans; Dresden was the true holocaust of the war."

    Nowhere does it say or imply that I am an admirer of Hitler, but of the Germany of that time -- the national unity, the productivity, the striving for excellence in many things, etc. I also agree with Hitler's general nationalist values and some other things he said that were true. But he is not an interest of mine. I have never even commenced to read Mein Kampf.

    Englishmen are noted for more subtle and perceptive minds able to discriminate between many opposing or similar ideas rather than your ham-handed and one-dimensional reductionism of my views of Germany/Hitler. I can only conclude that you are a disingenuous person. As to the various English nationalist links I have posted, an site or org that seems pro-English (in the ethnic and nationalist sense) has been linked there. It's up to the inquirers to sort out which of them is the best. I am sure I will be adding and subtracting to the list. Most of the sites I only found in the past 2 days.

    I believe Hitler was a homosexual along with many other of the founding Nazis, that he was funded by the Jews with a purpose toward Israel, and he destroyed Germany and ended the glory of England. (That was his purpose.)

    If you are going to write about me please make a middling effort to get an honest understanding of my views.

  5. "Finally, you don't state you're an admirer of Hitler, true. But by linking your site to sites run by people who clearly do admire him, you run the risk of the same being inferred about yourself, don't you think?"
    Well, I will look at the links you mean and see. Maybe you are right with a few of them. I have not reviewed them in some time. We have a bit more Wild West political range here than you are used to. The assertion of "freedom of speech," that foot kept in the door, is pre-eminent over here.

    And excuse me for my sharp words in the last post.

  6. As to the mothering issue, certainly it's not good to swear in front of one's children. (I have four.) But the issue is bigger than that. The issue is not mothering. England, in her mind, is more important than the matter of whether her child sees his mother swear, or sees his mother get in a fight with immigrants. There is a context for talking about ideal parenting, and a context for coping with a people's peoplehood and destiny.

  7. Sharp words don't bother me. Never any need to apologise for them.

    "When Whites claim Hitler & Nazis: Jews get Comfort and Joy"

    ... from which I am correct to infer that you don't like the ideas of Jews getting comfort or joy? What, even nice ordinary people (teachers, taxi drivers, housewives etc.) who happen to Jewish? Aw, why be so mean?

    ... and what's with all the stuff about homosexuality. It's not my own sexual orientation, and while I do understand why some people find the thought of gay sex a bit unpalatable, I've never understood why anyone can get actively worked up about other people's sexual behaviour. Don't like it? Don't think about it.

    That's another debate. No doubt, you'll return fire at length. There may be some delay to any further response from my side. Start of the working day here and I need to go out and earn my crust.

  8. "Sure, she's a mother. es, she's from England/Britain."

    Exactly. It's also a double entendre for those who care about her issues as she does.

    "But Lee seems to be positioning Ms. West as some kind of figurehead of British motherhood."

    That's you taking my intention wrong. She is a mother, and if her and others like her stand up for England and the English she will be, in reality, more mother to the British than a so-called "Queen Mother," at this point, can rightfully be called. I think that thinking inside of "mother of England" is apparent to the thoughtful.

    "One wonders how many British mothers would be inspired by a figurehead..."

    Maybe all British mothers should teach ethnic identity and pride by hook or by crook. But the subject here is not child-rearing, though you and others wish to hit out at her from all possible angles. It's immigration and the destiny of a people.

    "...whose parenting skills include swearing and shouting aggressively in the company of her young child."

    That's a cheap shot in the situation. When one feels his people threatened, and emotions about it are long bottled up, one doesn't need to "talk nice." The powers and the media sources are filling our television and music with swear words and profanities, and all for what? To save a people? No, to make money and degrade a people. Emma West views it as war. In the army, and in battle, men swear. As to her child, he learned courage from his mother that day, that there are things worth fighting for in this world, and that there used to be a different England; that he has a heritage. Should a mother not teach her child courage, and not teach him there are things worth fighting for, is that the good mother? And not every son has the same mother. He was born to that one.

    The television is filled with obscenity 24-7, for good purpose. Have you ever written an article complaining, for example, about the violent profanity polluting the ears of children from "rap" musicians?

    "Lee has also created a rather strange video of his own, in which he mixed My Tram Incident footage with shots of himself looking at a statue, shots of people boarding a tram in his home town of Portland, Oregon and photographs of children.

    Hah. I see you have an article about Andy Warhol but you find those videos "strange." That's a chuckler. My bet is that you like art films and impressionistic strangeness yourself. And yet I think most can easily see the symbols I placed into those videos. I appear briefly in the intro and close of two of the videos, all with brief symbolical content related to Emma West and the incident. This was all to add interest and dimension, as a video maker, to the presentation as well as to place myself personally on her side as many others have done. Putting ourselves personally out there for Emma West at this time is one of the best forms of moral support. Yes, Portland. The problem of immigration and breakdown of White ethnic communities is going on all over, not just in England. Portland is one of the last of, say, 3 major cities that are still majority-White. And yet the "liberals" here speak of that as though it is a great flaw that must be remedied. (Couldn't America stay "diverse" enough to have just ONE majority-white city left? In this nation created by Whites?) I was bridging from England to elsewhere where the same zeitgeist is eating us.

  9. Jews can get comfort and joy but sometimes they get comfort and joy about the wrong things. Hitler is used, in fact, as a scarecrow to villify all natural feelings of ethnic identity in the White Europeans now. I am surprised if you do not see this.

    "Photographs of children"? You must mean the old photos of old England in the interlude of the first one. The photos show old England, and the thing that motivates adults and parents (and I am one) the most to work for the protection of their communities -- our children. One photo is a group circa 1910 holding a British flag. Another old pic shows a group of boys playing outside a church. A 3rd shows an older time formal portrait of a girl with her little brother, formally dressed. It's obvious why these pictures are there: To show the old English and England, not too very long ago. A couple of modern photos of American children are then shown to bring it into the modern times. All who watch it (except you, I guess) understand those photos. Part of Emma West's grief is that she can't give the England she knew to her child, and it's those who have children who care the most urgently about the direction of their country. I myself have four children. The family shots speak to peoplehood, race, and the dearest things in life: our children. I think it was having her son with her, in fact, that made her cross all boundaries and speak the way she did. (There are rumors that one of the passengers spat near her just prior to the camera-roll, inspiring her nice rant.) I really don't know why you'd find it disagreeable that photos of children would appear in a video about ethnicity and the posterity of race.

    Emma West created opportunity for nationalists and those in the White European nations who don't welcome the destruction of their peoplehood via immigration. I made the videos to add my bit to taking advantage of the opportunity she created. Given her persecution, it would have been failing her not to do so. I also made the videos because I believe that she stated her real and sincere views, and in her traumatic persecution (the YouTube thread was exceedingly violent and a thousand times more vile than anything she said) I wanted to be supportive. And that's exactly why I made them.

    -- Julian Curtis Lee

  10. My creation of those videos was stimulated by watching the 12 million+ thread and seeing the vile nature of the comments directed against Emma West. I have never seen anybody so villified.

    I'm talking about non-stop, wall-to-wall villification of every type and degree, with a continuous stream of threats and advocacy of violence against her. Everything from rape (very common on the massive thread), pushing off a cliff, gang rape, and murder. Many of the posters (usually with no capitals or punctuation) were vowing that they'd do the deed themselves.

    At the start of the thread's life I'd say a good 95 percent of the comments were of that extreme nature, and negative. It was a massive violent world-mob.

    It was as if she had not a single legitimate issue. Yet she did. She raised issues that are legitimate and dire to a great many people. It wasn't, to me, the manner of her speaking but the essential and real issues she was speaking about that deserved the consideration.

    It was from seeing that thread and the nature of the comments that I made those videos featuring a highly contrarian view, to cool or quell the mob as it were. A better term would be monkeywrenching the zeitgeist. The gears and maw were turning all one way, and I threw whatever little monkey wrench I could in it that, haply, a few might turn thoughtful.

    It was very interesting that as pro-White and pro-Ethnic identity posters began to find that thread, and began to introduce a contrary view, the number of violent or vile posts markedly decreased. I and others think that the thread may have been deleted because it was turning pro-White and pro-Emma. Such was the case anyway. And those videos were a part of stimulating and giving heart to those posting contrary views to the violent posters. I have no doubt that the majority of violence-advocating posters were the very non-English that make people like Emma afraid in their own towns now.

    Working with the video a great deal there were three primary emotions on her face: Anger, fear, and grief. And above all it was grief. I wanted to turn the focus to WHAT she was angry about, WHY she was afraid, and WHAT she was so grieved about. The videos were designed to show that she has legitimate issues and what those issues are. Plus to show, given the legitimacy of her issues, Emma West in a more positive light and make people think.


    "The television is filled with obscenity 24-7, for good purpose."

    Should be:

    "...for no good purpose."

  12. Hello Julian,
    I used to enjoy reading your comments at IncogMan, where in one of them your have advertised your website, which name I can no longer remember.
    I miss your posts.
    May I ask if it still exist or have you created a brand new one?


  13. I read recently that Julian Lee was a homosexual. I don't know if it is true, but the rumor is out there.
    Julian, if your lurking, how about confirming or denying?
