Monday, 15 August 2016

Un dia càlid a Girona

On a blazing Sunday afternoon we mooched around for a bit on the sunlit streets of Girona. We ate well, struggled to keep cool, saw (but did not patronise) a restaurant named "The Lion's Arse" and observed all the usual signs of Catalans resisting the yoke of Spain.

Saturday, 6 August 2016


So PROJECT CATALUNYA is now real. We've locked up the house in England. We will soon officially be rid of it and fat on what feels like unearned money. Our new life in warmer climes begins in earnest on Monday, I'd say, when our mountains of stuff arrive on a truck and get shovelled into the rented digs we'll be using as our base for the first year. For now, we're perspiring gently in a whimsical hotel in the hills, unwinding after the drive south through the length of France and across the border into the country of which Catalunya is currently a part.